
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Yoga Today

Today I went to a class at The Yoga Center- it was taught by Karen, who is one of the founders of the location. It was called Slow Flow but she mixed in some Vinyasa for celebration purposes. Who doesn't love to celebrate? I have also been practicing and can now do a shoulder stand! *(well against the wall and then I straighten.)


my step mom is checking out The Yoga Center this week with me-can't wait!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Eat Pray Love!

Without divulging too much at the current moment- I encourage all to go see     Eat Pray Love. The book was amazing- and although the movie left out details it was beautiful. I can’t imagine a better way to spend my Thursday evening then seeing a glimpse of Italy, India and Indonesia.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dolphin Pose - Advadanta Sirsasana

Dolphin Pose - Advadanta Sirsasana
Pronounced: (Ad-Vahd-Don-ta See-rah-sas-ana)
Good variation of Downward Facing Dog.


1. On all fours on the mat bend down to firmly press your palms together and your forearms onto the mat.

2. Curl your toes under, exhale and lift your knees up. Keep knees slightly bent and heels lifted. Lengthen your tailbone and push your sitting bones toward the ceiling.

3. Keep forearms on the mat and firm your shoulder blades against your back. Hold your head between your upper arms.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Upward Facing Dog – Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Upward Facing Dog – Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana is pronounced: OORD-vah MOO-kah shvon-AHS-anna

 Upward Facing Dog is a position in the traditional Sun Salutation sequence.

*urdhva mukha = face upward *urdhva = upward *mukha = face *svana = dog


1. Lie flat with your stomach facing your mat. Stretch your legs back with the tops of your feet placed on your mat. Bend your elbows and spread your palms on the mat beside your core so that your forearms become perpendicular to the mat.

2. Inhale and press your hands onto the mat. Lift yourself up from the mat while straightening your arms. Keep your thighs firm and lift your torso up and your legs a few inches off the mat.
3. Press your tailbone in and narrow the hip. Firm your lower back and buttocks.
4. Firm the shoulder blades against the back. Look straight ahead.

Enjoy! ~yogamuch

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Downward Facing Dog – Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward Facing Dog – Adho Mukha Svanasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana is pronounced: AH-doh MOO-kah shvah-NAHS-anna

Downward Facing Dog is in the traditional Sun Salutation sequence. It is a pose that can lead to many other poses. 
*adho = downward *mukha = face *svana = dog


1. Come onto your mat on your hands and knees. Place your knees directly below your hips and hands slightly above your shoulders. Spread your palms and turn your toes under.
2. Exhale & lift your knees up. Keep your knees slightly bend and the heels lifted away from the floor. Lengthen your tailbone away from the back of your pelvis. Lift the sitting bones toward the ceiling.
3. As you exhale push your top things back and stretch your heels down toward the mat. Straighten your knees without locking them.
4. Make sure your arms are firm as you press your index fingers onto the mat. Widen your shoulders and draw them toward your tailbone. Keep the head between your upper arms. Your body should form a V-shape.


Monday, August 16, 2010

Bikram Yoga

I took a new class today at The Yoga Center called TYC 26. It was a class that was all about the basic 26 poses of Bikram yoga.

(Bikram is pronunced: BEE-krahm) The class was taught by Lauri Page and lasted an hour and a half. Talk about serious! :) The class wasn't as difficult when it comes to speed, but the poses were focused and many were challenging. There are variations of many of the poses if they are too advanced or if they are not comfortable for you to do.

Corpse Pose – Savasana

Corpse Pose is a neutral position.

Savasana is pronounced: shah-VAHS-anna

This pose is also called Mrtasana.
Pronounced: mrit-TAHS-anna

 *sava = corpse  * mrta = death


1. Sit on the floor with your knees bent, feet on the floor, and lean back on your forearms. Inhale and extend your legs, pushing through the heels and lay down flat on the mat. Angle both feet out slightly as you place them on the mat.
2. Let arms lay to your side on the mat. Rest the back of your hands on the mat/floor as comfortable as possible. Rest shoulders evenly on the floor.
3. This pose is about quieting the body and mind. Soften organs and body. Close your eyes and relax. This pose can last for any amount of time and is the perfect closing pose to any yoga practice.

Enjoy! ~yogamuch

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Child Pose - Balasana

Child Pose is a basic pose. It is also a resting pose.
Balasana is pronounced: bah-LAHS-anna

*bala = child


1. Kneel on your mat. Touch your big toes together and sit on your heels. Seperate your knees as wide as your hips.
2. Exhale and lay your torso between your things. Lengthen your tailbone away from the back of the pelvis while you life the base of your skull away from the back of your neck.
3. Lay your hands on the mat alongside your torso palms up. Release the fronts of your shoulders toward the mat.
-if you are unable to lay your head to the floor and place your palms up- instead try placing the bottom of your forearms to the mat.


Here it begins...

I wanted to give a backgound on how I found yoga. I had my assumptions about yoga before ever giving it a chance. I thought, "Why would anyone do that?" "How boring!" and "Seriously, how could that help you lose weight?"

I am so glad my interest was sparked when my obsession with downloading apps on my iPhone brought me to a Yoga App. What did I have to lose? Nothing. What did I have to gain? So much! yogamuch!

That was in early June and since then my interest has grown into a passion! a joy! a new beginning in ways- I don't think anyone can understand what a draw yoga has until they give it a chance. You have to open your mind and body to new things- it is challenging and different for everyone. I haven't really looked into the religious side that yoga stems from- but I am immersing myself in the knowledge and the practice.

I downloaded an app called YogaPro- and with that I can search all sorts of poses, follow examples, plan my own sequences, and set timers to tell me when to swich poses. It is amazing! I did that for the first two months of getting into yoga. Then I started taking classes at The Yoga Center in Broadripple in Indianapolis at the beginning of this month. (August) Thus far I have been to 10 classes. (missing days only when I was out of town.)

How can I explain what I enjoy about yoga? After doing yoga for 10 minutes- 2 hours you get a feeling- a calm...yet an excitement. I call it the "yoga high." An intense feeling that can only be described by ones' own experience. In order to learn more about my yoga practice I am going to blog about yoga & poses. I hope to post daily updates with any information I learn. 

Enjoy! :)